Monday, 25 February 2013

Cellulite Treatments That Work

Having cellulite and looking into the mirror can be quite depresive. There are literally thousands of tips on cellulite removal, but how many are actually working? Finding something to work in getting rid of cellulite is a constant battle.
What is cellulite?
Cellulite is the deposit of fats that are trapped underneath the layers of your skin. Contrary to the belief, it doesn't appear only in obese women or those who enjoy bacon, but can be found also in slim and fit young women. Actually, a staggering 90% of women do have cellulite. This may make you feel better.

What causes cellulite?

There are various opinions for what cause the dump buttocks of fat under your skin. Some say that a fatty diet or obesity can be the cause of cellulite. Other things that may cause orange peel are heredity(if women in your family has cellulite you are more likely to develop it), poor blood circulation, hormonal chnages which are normal in women's bodies during pregnancy, breastfeeding and menstruation(this is why some teenage girls have cellulite), a sedentary lifestyle, lack of exercise, alcohol, coffee, smoking, some medication, water retension can also contribute to the appearance of cellulite.

Cellulite Can Be Reduced With Various Cellulite Treatments

The truth is that cellulite cannot be cured or completely removed. What you can do about it though, it is to keep maintain it under control with various cellulite treatments and a proper and healthy diet free of bad fats.

There are lots of cellulite products and treatments on the market today, some works while others not so much. The point is that you have to try and do something to get rid of cellulite and no sit by and watch how it becomes more proeminent. The very bad cellulite is not only costly to remove, but it also can become painful. Not to talk about your self-esteem. The easiest thing you can do to reduce its appearance is to use cellulite leggings.
Cellulite Creams
Despite the buzz, the cellulite creams are probably the least effective in removing cellulite. I've tried many creams for cellulite, but they have very little effect on a person with average cellulite. The best that they can achieve is to reduce it. The trick is to use them every day.

Cellulite Diet

Instead, a combination of diet and massage for cellulite will help reduce it. Other women may choose some easier but more expensive treatments such as those in beauty salons.
Spa Cellulite Treatments

Other women may choose some easier but more expensive treatments in beauty salons such as Velashape, Endermologie, Mesotherapy, Lumicell Touch, Dermosonic, Lypolisis, just to name a few. These cellulite removal treatments can help you get rid of cellulite almost completely if you find an experience practitioner who knows what they are doing. Also, you may need more than the specified number of meetings to see results. The cost can be out of reach for many women, though.

Cellulite Laser Treatments

Other options for removing cellulite are cellulite laser treatments. Note that undergoing liposuction to get rid of cellulite is not reported to work by many women and you may spend money for nothing. There is a new laser cellulite treatment called Cellulaze. Also, you could try at home cellulite laser devices such as Rio Cellulight.

The process of cellulite removal is an ongoing battle to keep it under control. This should not discourage anyone to try and get rid of visible cellulite.

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