One of the best home cellulite treatment is coffee. If you ever read the ingredients of most cellulite creams on the market, you will notice that they also contain caffeine extract. The reason behind this is that cellulite and coffee is a very good cellulite removal.
Some women may not like to get messy with appying coffee grinds in their shower, but some people swear by this home cure. The simplest way to use this home treatment made for cellulite is to massage circularly your skin with coffee grinds. Off course, you may need to do this while you take a shower.
Also, massaging your skin with a brush does help the ingredients enter faster into the skin. Using a brush and doing circular massages is also another good home treatment for cellulite or if you suffer from low blood circulation( you know you have such a problem if your feet are always cold). Besides a poor diet rich in unhealthy fats, a poor blood circulation can also contribute of you having fat tissues under your skin.
You should do this home cure twice per week and notice some improvement of how your skin looks like after one month. As usual, I recommend you use also other cellulite treatments such as cellulite creams, exercises for cellulite and massages ( at home or done in at spa cosmetics).
Another way of doing this treatment is to mix the coffee grounds with some body lotion or olive oil. You could mix 1/4 to 1/2 ratio. This coffee mixture should be applied on the areas where you have cellulite, then rub your skin circularly with it. Then you should wrap it with foil wrap and let it penetrate the skin for few minutes. At the end, wash your skin with warm water.
For best results in doing this cellulite home remedy, you should use coffee grounds that have not been soaked too long in water. This ensure they still have enough caffeine to be applied on the skin and reduce the skin dimpled fat.
Can you drink coffee and get rid of cellulite? In a short answer, no, as actually by been a regular coffee drinker you increase the likely hood of having cellulite in the first place.
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