Saturday, 22 June 2013

Thermage Skin Tightening Cost

Thermage treatment for cellulite and wrinkles is a FDA approved method for temporarily reducing the dimple skin. You need to visit a cosmetic doctor who is specialized in thermage treatments, no matter for what you use it.

The thermage skin tightening treatment works for exactly what is advertised for, it tightens your skin on face or body due ot its technology of radiofrequency energy. This technology is thought to be far better than ultrasound technology for removing cellulite.

So, how thermage works for cellulite?

The machine generates heat which passes deep through your skin, hence melting the pockets of fat responsible for your dimple skin appearance. This reduces the fat deposits and the cellulite. Depending on your area with cellulite, you will need one or two sessions, which is far less than lumicell or dermosonic cellulite treatments.

There are some side-effects associated with this thermage skin tightening treatment, notably the pain during and after the treatment. You will be given a painkiller before the procedure, though. Keep in mind that a normal treatment with thermage lasts minimum half an hour up to two hours if you have lots of cellulite.

Other milder side-effects are swelling, redness and bumps which should fade away after few days. The effects of the treatment may be fully felt after few months, that is you will notice a body free of cottage cheese skin after few months.

The cost of thermage skin tightening depends on the clinic you visit, with an average around $3000. Note that most of women need just one treatment with Thermage. It is cheaper than SmartLipo, but the results are not guaranteed. Also, if you prefer a cheaper cellulite treatment, you could look into Accent XL treatment for cellulite which is at a third of the cost of Thermage treatment.

The advantage of Thermage is that it can work not only for eliminating cellulite, but also it rejuvenate sagging skin by tightening it and can increase the production of collagen which results in a more youthful look. It is really a very good method for women over 40 years old since starting this age the skin rejuvenation starts decreasing.

Another advantage of this method for removing cellulite is that it can work for arms, inner tights, buttocks and stomach which few other cellulite treatments can do.

If the usual cellulite and skin tightening wraps didn't work for you, then you should look into Thermage for cellulite or skin tightening treatments, preferably to a doctor which has shown you real before and after pictures of some of his patients.


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